Thursday, May 13, 2010

What age is too old and too young to be a parent.?

I think anything under 15/16 really is too young for most, as most are still kids themselves where some are mature i guess, but also some mothers are 40ish and having babies..and i think thats not always fair. My nan had her last at 39 and she was ill for most of the childs teenage life.What age is too old and too young to be a parent.?
anything under 21 - too young.

anything over 40 - too old.

my mum had me at 39 mind you, and we're a happy normal family. She wasn't sick, and is still happy and healthy. I think I turned out fine.What age is too old and too young to be a parent.?
I dunno about too young ... I don't really have an opinion if the individual/s are mentally / financially / emotionally stable. The health risks with older mothers is what I guess I have an opinion on. 40 I would say is when I think you would want to start thinking about stopping... I hope that doesn't sound judgmental but 20 years (if you think from 20 - 40) seems like a long time to have a child and if it is something you want (extremely want) I think you would have made the time in those years without going against nature in later years.

Eek! I hope that doesn't offend anyone :P
Tough question. You don't want to start too early. You want to be established (fineshed with school and working) before you bring a child into the world. I have seen too many young moms struggling with school, motherhood, job...It's just not fair for all involved. On the other hand, you don't want to be too old to have children. The older you get, the less energy you will have. ALso, parents want to be around for their children's milestones and important events: graduation, marriage, grandkids....
Depends on the person and situation

Sometimes it forces people to grow up but if you aren't an adult you shouldn't be TRYING to have a baby and no I don't agree with women who are in their 50's having babies..because yes 50s can still be young but you'll be 70 when they graduate come on my sons great gramma is 71
Well...I would of became a father at 16 but she didn't want a baby at the time so she did the unthinkable...anyways I was ready...I might of been young...very young but I knew what I had to do and for a short time I was preparing myself for what was going to happen. When I was 18 is when I had my 1st and since I had to grow up at such a young age it came secound nature to provide. Now I have a 5 year old a 2 year old and my wife is due with our 3rd March 6th. I wanted my children young so I could be able to enjoy them as well as they enjoy me. Personaly I think 18 to 20 is a good age to start and maybe 40 is when you should stop. That's my thought on it.
hi there

i had my 1st kid at 23 ...i believe in the 20s would be a good time have kids ..provided u guys are financially stable as well as relationship stable plus yr mind is mental prepared for kids becos is a life time committment and besides u need the energy to run around with them ...

I would recommended not to have kids 35 n above ...

firstly ...mothers may have miscarriage.your body gets weaker as u grow old If u dont take good care from young ,

secondly ...yr baby may be adnormal therefor during pregnancy u need to run tests to check a risk to take no one knows .. is not trying scare u but is the facts ... of coz there are ppl who delivers at 40 n all is good :)

I see parents having kids around 40 plus .i find it a selfish act be direct .how long can they see their kids grow up ? also are they able to take care of them when they are troddlers ..u need loads of energy are hyper u know...n we are not as we grow old ... that a factor that needs to think about ..

It is just my own thoughts n opinon..wont want to offend any one here ...but if u feel that having a child at a later stage in life then go ahead is yrs do what best u think is right ! End of the day as long you and yr family are happy ...
it's not the age it's the maturity....I was 18 when I had my first, she'll be 5 in a few months...anyways, I am a much better parent than a 30 year old crack addict. I'm at a good place in my life to raise my girls so I think it varies for each person. I think the maximum age should be whenever someone decides to stop. It's not our decision.
I think mid twenties is a good time, but I've seen 19 year olds with good parents who picked up good parenting and life skill from them. It may depend on skills and maturity. I hate to say over 35 is getting up there, that may depend also. Some people are in better health and all, than others. Maybe you can only make general rules.
My mom was 39 when she had me. She's 60 now and wasn't sick during my life.

I'd say about 45 is too old, and under 18 is too young, but for certain people, even 18 is too young. Truthfully, as for being too young, you have to be of a certain maturity level to have a child.
I would say under 21 is too young. It's hard to say what is too old, i'd say for most women 40 is kind of pushing it, and as you get older there is an increased chance of things like downs syndrome occurring.
Well to young is when you are not able to support yourself yet (therfore you can not support a baby). There is no official age. To old is when you can no longer make a healthy baby or have the energy to raise one.
I was a young mother so i give you this advice with experience!!! I think that you should be atleast 21 if not older.

I was very young i was 18. I dont regret it as i love my children very much!!! But honestly it would have been better to have them in my 20's.

I think that when you get to the age of about 45 it is deffinately to old to have children.

I know i wouldn't want to have my children at that age as i want to make sure i see my children grow up and i want to be fitter enough etc to stll have fun with them.
For me the age of being too young being a parent is 17 and below.

And also for me there is no too old because my mom gave me birth when she was 43 yrs. old and she is currently 53 years old.
Too young is anything under 20-even then that's too young. Too old is when the body stops being able to get pregnant-which is around late 30s.
I agree that anything under 16 is too young and i think and i've seen people up to 50 have kids. It does get harder as the years go by though.

too young 17

too old 40

best 22-28

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