Monday, May 10, 2010

I am a male single parent with a 14 yr old boy homeless and would like to know what benifits I am entitled too?

I assume you've been the council and they're trying to house you. You can also try something called the ';rent deposit scheme'; which most of the councils in the UK do now. Instead of giving cash for a deposit they give a guaruntee to the private landlord. This means you could find a nice private let for you and your son. You could also go for housing and council tax benefit if your entitled.

Are you recieving tax credits and child benefit? Make sure you're getting both. I'd get down to the job centre and see if there is anything you can get as a single parent to help ease the problems at the moment.

I'm sorry to hear of your problems and I hope it gets better soon. Take care. I am a male single parent with a 14 yr old boy homeless and would like to know what benifits I am entitled too?
You're entitled to go on the list for council housing - you may have a wait depending on how overcrowded it is with your family - the council will assess this - don't expect them to be generous they told me 3 kids was fine in a tiny 1 bed flat!

You should also be entitled to tax credits, the working and the child elements - phone the tax credits helpline - they are VERY helpful.

You are also entitled to claim the child benefit for your son.

There may be more help availible to you depending on your income but they are the basics for working single parents. I am a male single parent with a 14 yr old boy homeless and would like to know what benifits I am entitled too?
Are you living in Australia? If so Centrelink is your first point of call, they can tell you all of the payments you may be entitled to which would include Family tax Benefit depending on you income, with one child it needs to be under about $97000 (you can get a maximum of $280 per fortnight depending on your income and how much child support you do or dont receive). You may also be entitled to Income support in your case Parenting Payment Single, to get Parenting Payment your income needs to be under about $1500 gross per fortnight and the maximum you can be paid for this is $550 per fortnight (depending on how much income you have from working of course). If you find a private rental property (not governement housing) you may also be entitled to rent assistance which is a maximum of $125 per fortnight (also dependant on your income), but if you continue to live with family and pay board to them you may be entitled to only a small portion of rent assistance . So if you are a very low wage earner and renting a house the max you can get from Centrelink per fortnight is about $955, this is all subject to how much you earn.
Hi Nick

You didn't say what country you live in. If you are in the UK the best way for you to find out everything you are entitled to is to visit your local Citizens Advice Bureau. They have lots of resources and ';experts'; in benefit entitlement.

Also, go to your local council and get an application form for housing (I'm not sure if you are ok with forms but if not there will be someone there who will help you fill it out properly). Once you have put in your application form and registered as homeless you may find they offer you temporary accommodation (perhaps in a local B %26amp; B) but you will have some sort of priority on any waiting list as you are homeless and care for your son. Also, if there are housing associations in your area you may be able to ask the Council to refer you to them as homeless and this will increase your chance of findng good accommodation faster.

Also, if you are not woking then go into your local social security office and they will more than likely be able to give you some financial support.

Don't put it off though - try and get to your local Citizens Advice today - if not make it Monday at the latest. There is support for you once you know where to go.

Wishing you all the luck in the world and hoping that you and your son find a lovely home very soon.


people are just being idiots. If you have an address for your post, (you must have,even if a relatives one) you should be entitled to income support and housing and council benefit.I think income support is around 拢100 a week and housing benefit is 100% of your rent (reasonably of curse) or you are probably entitled to a council house or flat.

I think because your child is in school they will require you once you are settled to go and look for work.

good luck
It will depend on your wages with regard to child tax credit, but you can claim this if you are under a certain wage bracket until your son is 16.

You may get some backdated too, if you have not been claiming already - the governments website will tell you some bits, but it is worth ringing them to ask for a claim pack and talking through what you will get.

You can definitely get Child Benefit at 拢18.55 a week.

If you are homeless, your local council should immediately offer you a home, unless you are so rich you could buy one, speak to them immediately to see where you could get to live. You will have to make it sound as if you cannot stay where you are living and it is a temporary arrangement or they will leave you there - also, they will offer you worst areas first. If you have low income, you may be entitled to Council Tax, help with rent or income support.

Your son could also get free school meals, most schools have forms to fill out and those on low incomes also get free school trips and uniform benefits.

It is worth your knowing that if you are on certain benefits, you will qualify for free cavity wall/loft insulation and other home improvements that will save you money on heating.

Good luck.

as a single parent regardless of being 'dad' or 'mum'

you are entitled to child tax credit if not working and child tax working credit if working

also you are entitled to child benifits

these benifits are there because you have children

also as you say your homeless and living with family

please contact social servises as they will help you get a place of your own for the sake of your child

anmd also point you on to other benifits that you are entitled to
If your living with your family your not exactly homeless! if there is enough room where your staying you probably won't be classed as an emergency! You could try and contact Inland Revenue to see if there are any benefits for working/child tax credits as you are working. But you don't really give enough info to be sure of what you may be entitled too.
It depends what state you're in. You'll probably get health care, you could possibly get child support... If you're in Massachusetts you could get section 8 housing but most likely they'll just put you up in a family shelter. While your son goes to school they'll expect you to work on getting a job. No matter what state you're in there are usually ways for you to build yourself back up, but it's obviously going to take a lot of hard work. Open a new window for the internet, type in and put in the state you're in + homeless + parent of minor, family or something like that... But without knowing what state you're in it's going to be really hard to us to help you here.
There are a lot of resouces for homeless families, at least more than if you were a single person. You need to take care of this issue asap because your childs education and possibly future prospects need to be a top priority.

Very little - why would you be. You will get family allowance and family tax credits if you are on a very low income but its up to you to get yourself a home as you are working although if you go on a council waiting list you will probably get priority..
If you have a job and living with family your not homeless ?

You may be able to get tax credits if your working but not sure about anything else because you live with your family anything you claim may effect their benefits if they are on any
Well at least you aren't on the streets.Seek the LORD with all your heart and HE will make a way for you.HE has for me,and I didn't have family to rely on.
if you have a job and you are living with family then you are not homeless. save up and get your own apartment, work hard dont buy things if you dont need them, will happen.
I'm sure I'll miss some out - but the ones that come to mind are:- Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance

Housing Benefit (assuming you find somewhere to live)

Council Tax Benefit

Family Allowance
if you have a job. and are in uk, prob just family tax credits and child benefit! there may be a single parents benefit!
ring citizens advice and speak to a professional.
You won't find the answer on here!
ring citizens advice n speak 2 them

best of luck xxx
You're entitled to getting a job rather than wasting tax money. If it's really that big of a deal though.. go talk to social services.. or i'm sure they have a website or something.
if you're homeless you aren't entitled to any benefits. You need an address!

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