Saturday, December 26, 2009

What are the advantage and the disadvantage of living your parent to another man.?

pls i want to know the advantage and disadvatage of living your parent to another man in marriage.What are the advantage and the disadvantage of living your parent to another man.?
i dont understand the question

';living yoru parent to another man in marriage';

are you asking about moving out of your parents' house and getting married?

who the heck wants to live with their parents forever! deadbeats, that's who. or maybe this question has a culutral undertone, whereas it's normal to live parents until you're married..i dont know.

either which way. you get married and should live with your husband. or at least, your husband lives with you and either one of your parents, but def. NOT separate.What are the advantage and the disadvantage of living your parent to another man.?
i can only tell u the disadvantages, cause if ur parents were so good and caring there is nothing worth to leave them for.

1. if the man turned to be abuser u may not have ur parents on ur side to support u.

2. when u have children, u will not have ur mother on ur side helping u and looking for ur kids while u r busy or needing a free time.

3. u will always miss them in the events.

4. u will lose some of ur strength.

5. when any small fighting happens between u and the man, u will always remind him that u left ur parents for him, which will create more problems.

so try to convince ur parents to marry him is much better than leaving them.

good luck.
Hmmm, there should be a translate button on here like they have on MySpace blogs.

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