Friday, January 15, 2010

In Ohio, if a child is passing 1st grade, can a parent still choose 2 have them repeat?

The child is passing. I think it would be of benefit to have her repeat because she is so young compared to her piers. Early Sept. birthday.

Can the school district make them 'move on' to 2nd grade?In Ohio, if a child is passing 1st grade, can a parent still choose 2 have them repeat?
You can have him repeat the grade as long as you have good reasons and the school is in agreement./In Ohio, if a child is passing 1st grade, can a parent still choose 2 have them repeat?
I did my boy. I discussed it with the school and they kept him back. He may have had passing grades but he did not socialize well with the other children. The second year did him a world of good.
no the parent has the option even if the school dont agree
well I think that you need to not pressure the child so much.. My son is like that and is younger than his classmates his is in July... He does well is smart but is sometime immature for his age. If you keep your child back I would believe that it is your discretion but the friends may make fun of the child. If you really think that there are things that the child needs to develop try tutor or educational software. Ask the teacher what his or her opinion is at this point.

Good luck
If she's doing fine I would leave her there, but I'm sure you can hold her back if you think it is best for her. They tried to get me to hold my son back in kindergarten (he's doing great), and he is on the older end of his class, November child, he has several kids in his class who have late august birthdays, one of which turned 5 after starting classes. Your the parent it's your choice as to what you think is best for your child, good luck.
Yes, its called redshirting. My mother did it to me when I was in the second grade. It's usually not encouraged after kindergarden, unless the child is struggling as it is, and will benefit from the extra year.

The only reason I was redshirted so late was because I had just moved from a poor school district to an affluent one with a much more challenging curriculum. Then I was sick for almost a month. I still passed second grade, but I would've never survived the third grade on my own.

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