Thursday, January 21, 2010

How does a grandparent prove a parent unfit to raise a child for temporary custody, and not loose the child?

The boyfriend wants to move all to Florida. The mother is not a very stable person either. The boyfriend, 3 years ago was up on rape charges, that were reduced to home invasion with attempt. The grandparents do not want to lose the ability to be with the grandchild, but they feel this is a bad decision on the daughters side. The child is in kindergarden, and has had very rough times adjusting to whatever mom wants to do, or where they will live next. The grandparents watch her everyday while mom works.How does a grandparent prove a parent unfit to raise a child for temporary custody, and not loose the child?
call social services. be aware. 1. social services must complete an investigation. Boyfriend and daughter may choose to run if they know they are under investigation. 2. you will lose them at least temporarily to the foster care system and until a court awards temporary custody to a family member - you. 3. your daughter will know it was you. Are you ready for that hatred? 4. proving daughter unfit may be difficult without bringing up illegal activity that she would be charged with. 5. have legal representation.

6. lastly consider your motives. Are you really scared for the kids or- just sad that you wont have daily access to them and want to find a way to keep them in state.How does a grandparent prove a parent unfit to raise a child for temporary custody, and not loose the child?
I would talk to a lawyer who has worked in these type of issues. He or she may be the best person to tell you how to proceed.
Contact your local Division of Family Services. Tell them about the child's consistent disruptions in his/her life. You would like guardianship over your grandchild. There is no stability in this child's life. Further more, the mother could also be charged with child endangerment for allowing her child around such a man with this kind of record. Remember that it is what's best for the child and not the grandparents greed to have/see their grandchild.
so, one day while mom's at work, why don't grandma take the child to family court, and request guardianship??
Ok, the grandparents really need to be careful and watch what they are doing, because granted you are thinking of the children you (they) really only want to be able to see the grandchild. The child is only in kindergarden? The child will get over whatever the PARENTS decide. Because let me tell you, when you call DCF on the parents, you are opening a whole different can of worms, I';m telling you. My parents moved us down here in florida when I just reached high school, do you think I liked it? NO! And so what if the father was up on rape charges, appearently it didn't stick because it was redused to a lesser charge. You really can't do anything to keep the grandchild in your state, and the fathers ';Rape'; charges don't mean a thing. on his record will just show ';HOME INVASION'; And why isn't the mother stable? What is her issue? But the father is stable regardless of his record, and I'm really sorry to tell you, Grandparents have no rights. And let me tell you something, I am dealing with DCF right now, and if you were to involve DCF in this, it will hurt the child more so then the parents. My Children want to come home so bad and they are only 5 and 2. So really think about what is at stake here. Maybe if you didn't go into such a panic, maybe the parents would still keep you in the childs life. So what if you don't get to see him everyday. The daughter needs to go where her family goes. Its not about you. Its about her family. They know what they are doing. And don't worry they will be ok. They won't if DCF gets involved. So My best bet would be to stay out of it. Sorry!
unless you can get the childs parents to sign over their parental rights or they are both mentally unstable and unable to care for a child there's nothing really that you can do. try child and family services/social services. i was adopted by my grandmother when i was 2 because my mom was seen as unfit. she is scitzophrenic and would leave me home alone for days at a time. if something is going to be done about it then do it before the move to florida. in florida and georgia (these are the only 2 that i know of) children get lost in the system easily.
This is very tricky because you really have no legal rights. The child's mother and father have all the rights. Is it the child's father who was up on rape charges or a different guy? If it's a different guy, maybe you can get the child's natural father to file for custody. Otherwise, you should be talking to your daughter and convincing her how bad it is for her child to be around her boyfriend. Failing that, ask her if she wouldn't like you to care for the child for ';a few months'; while she gets her life in order. While you are doing that (full time) you can petition the court for guardianship. But if you go try to get custody and make the mother angry, she will take the child from you and you may never see the child again. If you can prove the mother is unfit (does drugs, drinks to excess, hits the child, neglects the child, etc.), then you can call Youth Services and have the social worker do an investigation, but that will anger the mother, too, and may result in you not seeing the child again. So be very careful. That child needs you!!
You need to contact Dept of Family Childrens Services. They have things you can do to ensure the best action is taken for the child. Good Luck!
Its the daughters decision. Call children's services if something seriously wrong is happening. Other than that- just because the grandparents don't like the decisions being made and the child is not in danger- they don't have a say.

Also, they could suggest that the child live with them. Maybe the mother would rather that- it sounds like she has other things to deal with right now.
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