Gross!Is it nasty or normal for a parent to chew up food and spit it into their baby's mouth?
The anthropologist Desmond Morris believes French kissing may have originated in the act of mothers chewing food for their infants and delivering it mouth to mouth, creating a sensation of trust, pleasure and satisfaction through this contact. Later, French kissing duplicates these feelings.
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Is it nasty or normal for a parent to chew up food and spit it into their baby's mouth?
That sure adds a lot of symbolism to Matthew 4:4, doesn't it.
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Normal, historically. Apparently still routine in some more isolated parts of Europe until recently. Also apparently a route of HIV transmission in a few cases in the US, interestingly.
';Pre-Chewed Baby Food Said to Transmit H.I.V.
Published: February 7, 2008
BOSTON 鈥?Researchers have identified another way that babies can be infected with H.I.V. 鈥?through food pre-chewed by an infected parent or caretaker.
Although thousands of babies have been infected in the United States over the last 15 years, pre-chewed food has been documented as the cause of just three cases, federal epidemiologists said here Wednesday.
But such transmission may not be so rare, Dr. Kenneth L. Dominguez鈥檚 team from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said at the 15th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections.
Pre-chewing food apparently occurs among many groups in this country and elsewhere. So transmission of H.I.V., the AIDS virus, to infants may be an unrecognized problem in developing countries where dental care is lacking, commercially prepared baby foods and blenders are not available and parents and caretakers may need to soften foods, Dr. Dominguez said in an interview.';鈥?/a>
If I was stuck in a situation where that was the only way for my child to get food, then I would do what it takes. Of course, I breastfeed, so I would eat the food and breastfeed my child. BUT if I didn't breastfeed and I was say, stuck on a deserted island with a load of adult food and no baby food, then, hey, you got to do what you got to do.
But I'm assuming your family wasn't on Oceanic flight 815 from Sydney to Los Angeles.
I think this is nasty, i dont have children but all my friends do theyd never do that a baby should only eat what its supposed to so if you have chew up the food then maybe you shouldnt be giving the baby that food. however it is ok to bite sharp bits off things like crisps and then give the baby the rest i hope thats what she was meaning.
whoa that sounds pretty nasty to me! i really dont think that any parent does that nowadays! maybe some people think its normal buti think its really really nasty sorry lol! there is alternatives to doing that today you could mash up the food with special tools now and give them like gerber baby foods nowadays instead of huge solid foods depending on what age they are!
Actually that is totally normal in many parts of the world (mainly less developed countries or among poor people), not everyone has the luxury of jarred baby food, food processors and blenders.
I would take chewed up food over a jar of food any day for my baby.
I personally think it's disgusting, and would never do that with my daughter, but I've never actually seen a parent ';spit'; it into their child's mouth... I've seen them take it out with their fingers, and put it into their child's mouth. Either way, that's nasty.
well when my son eats freezy pops he likes me to bite the piece off for him first. sounds lik a bird. yeah i wouldn't chew food and spit it in my kids mouth- why didn't she just let you chew it with your gums?
If it's something the child can't chew - well biting a piece off or maybe chewing it a bit the spitting part is a little odd fingers would be more normal
Gross. What is wrong with a blender and a little water? It is nasty AND Lazy!
not normal it is disgusting!
It called baby food go buy some LOL
that hasn't been done since the caveman days!!!!!!!! That's just nasty
I have never seen a parent do that... odd
it is very not normal , we are people not birds
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