I can answer that!! I came into a rather large inheritance a few years ago that provides me with a substantial income each month so I was able to stop working all together. The funny thing is that I actually became quite stingy with the money, lol. My kids don't get things on a whim anymore, they have to earn everything they get. I am very careful about how I spend money so they don't think that money grows on trees. When I first began receiving money I bought a new car that would accommodate all of us and paid off all our bills. For the first few months if my kids wanted something, they got it. We began eating out all the time. My kids started to not take care of their things because they had this mentality that if it breaks, we just replace it. So, I nipped it in the bud and stopped buying them everything they want all the time. Now they have to earn their money and 'things'. We actually live more frugal than we did before, lol. The one thing that is different is that we do two things that lighten hubby and my work load at home so that we can spend more time with the kids. We have a gardener/lawn care guy and we also have someone who comes in once or twice a month to do the deep cleaning in the house. I keep it up otherwise, but it is nice to have someone come in and get the heavy stuff. Kind of like a reset button, lol. We have a clean house but you know how once a month or so you have to go through and not just wipe the tub out but scrub all the grout and the tub, scrub the floors not just mop them...
Anyway... I hadn't thought of a nanny though, lol... Just kidding-that is one thing I couldn't do, lol. :)If you became really rich, how would you change as a parent?
Life would become a lot less stressed and hectic. My husband would be able to work if he chose, but hopefully if he did, it would a lot less than 50-60 hours he currently puts in. There is NO chance I would ever hire a nanny, and it would hopefully not change the ';things' my children had, other than more time with Daddy and more time with a less-stressed Mommy.
We would also be able to move to the country and purchase acreage and lots of animals. Hopefully we could also afford to move both sets of grandparents onto our property.
say i won the lottery, i would chage as a parent because i would become one. we are just waiting until our lives and jobs settle in a little bit more before havign kids... if i already had them, i would still do it myself (i'm currently a part time nanny for a sahm with lots of cash, i would never want to be her) and yes i would strictly limit what they got because of it. i'm pretty careful with money as is, i don't think that would change just because we had more, there would just be more in savings, and more in school funds etc.
I'm a stay-at-home mommy at the moment, so nothing would change there. We do have a nanny that comes from 2:30-8:00 PM on weekdays, only because when my friend first passed away and we suddenly had three more child, it was chaos. I needed a little help,s o I got some! Of course now everyone loves her! Not sure how long she will be around though, I like to do things myself when possible. Although I wouldn't give my child anything and everything they wanted, of course there would be more to go around!
I would immediately quit my job and become a stay at home mom, no I would not hire a nanny. I would probably buy a house, nothing big and fancy. If I suddenly got a money I really dont think that it would change me or my husband much. If anything it will take a lot of stress away from us, but I would never take time away from my daughter and I would never give her free reign. She would still have chores and discipline and I would not give in and buy her whatever she wants, there would be boundaries. I think we would handle it well.
Although I'm not a parent yet...If I didn't have to work I sure as hell wouldn't hire a nanny to raise my child if I was able to be home with her 24/7!
The only thing that would change is the fact that she'd have a better childhood then I did with a lot more things to experience since I have the privilege of giving her that.
I'd still bw a SAHM but his daddy would probably become a SAHD and we'd probably just cover our living expenses with the money and whatever was left over would go into savings for college. Then we'd just spend a lot of time together with our son. I'd still cook and clean but we'd probably eat better and do fun stuff like go on vacations or go to the movies a lot more. Gosh, this is making me feel so depressed that we can't really do this! :)
I would be able to relax, I wouldn't hire a nanny and I would become a stay at home mom. I would put limits on my children, I don't want to raise spoiled brats.
I would buy a bigger home and maybe think about expanding my family even more and make college funds and go all organic.
I agree with stayathomemomma
I would let my kids get more school clothes, spring clothes etc. They would not have to choose between dance or music lessons because we can only afford one. I would give them more materially but definitely not free rein.
But best of all we could take an amazing family vacation and not worry about money LOL.
And no I would NOT hire a nanny but I would hire a house keeper in a heartbeat :)
we would be travelling the world in the summer. i want my kids to have the experience of different cultures.
during school i would hire a maid and cook, b/c those are my two most hated jobs about being a sahm. then i would have more time to spend with my family.
i would hire a nanny b/c i would be going to school to get a career as a dentist.
my kids would not be spoiled though....not by me...(they are unfortunately spoiled by family members already)
Get a cook, a housekeeper, and a nanny.
My kids would eat healthier.
I could spend more time with my kids because I wasn't cleaning.
A nanny to watch the kids so I could have one on one time with each of them. Travel would be easier with someone to watch the kids if my hubby and I wanted to have an adults only dinner.
My kids would get a lot in the way of possessions, but they would still have rules and boundaries. I'd probably be a nicer parent because more money equals less stress on how we're going to pay bills. And no, I wouldn't want a nanny. I like raising my kids myself. But I would like a maid and a cook.
There is no way I would hire a nanny! I love doing everything for my daughter and I want her by my side while I enjoy the money!
My daughter would not have free rein. Unlimited amounts of money could make teaching her the value of a dollar a little harder. :)
I would stay at home with my darlings. And i would make them enormous trust funds an college funds.
However, I wouldn't hand them everything they wanted. I would require them to get jobs at 16. No brats for me, thank you.
I wouldn't give them anything extra, and I would take them places and make memories, like maybe to some foreign country =]
there would be less tension and less worries. my husband could finally relax. other than that i would stay the same. just with less stress (hopefully)
lots and lots of kids
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