Ok I was home schooled. You could say the school system sucks and you are not really learning anything and that being home schooled you could focus and get your school done early and that then you could get a job or go to ballet class. Tell them maybe that you are tired of everyone being jerks at school and they are depressing you. I don't know if that helps but my mom pulled me out of school because the school system was terrible and the kids were rude and terribleHow to Convice your Parent you want to be Homeschooled?
Pull up some home school statistics (look on yahoo or google) because statistically homeschooler do better that public schoolers. You can get into an independent charted shool program which wont cost you anything and it is technically public school.
wow that's a tough one... because they will have to be involved in order for you to do it. here's a couple ideas:
1)google ';famous people who were homeschooled';
you will be surprised a lot of succesful famous people were homeschooled! copy and print some info from those sites to show them.
2)prove you can be responsible enough to work on your own , by keeping your room clean, and getting all your chores done without being reminded.
I think you should point out the benefits of home-school and the negative points of going to school.
Say, that in school, you are most likely to learn bad things than you do at home.
Being in home school is less expensive than going to school.
It will save them the transportation fees , etc.
May it a point that you mention financial benefits of being home-schooled. With the current economic condition, they might want to consider your suggestion.
Since you ';have'; to convince your Parents into homeschooling you then you need to come up with every alternative way of schooling so they won't have to do a thing or very little. I would consider a Charter School or online schooling. If you are a self learner this makes life even easier for your Parents.
If they feel you will need to be handheld to learn then this might not work out.
You need to prove that this is the best course for you. Write down all the positives of schooling at home an all the negatives of schooling outside the home.
Do your research and come prepared.
That is great that you want to be home schooled. Look up sites to gain information. Students do much better overall when they are home schooled. It's a great way to have bible study be a part of your studies. You need a stay-at-home parent to do it, which is great. Stay-at-home parents can be a great blessing to this world %26amp; to the children. If this is truly what you want, express that to them, %26amp; give them specific reasons. I pray that you get your wish. Grow in God!
i hated school so much i would have panick attacks there and spend the day in the nurses office. my teachers sucked at teaching and i learned nothing from them. and kids were all a$$holes. so say all that. thats how i got my mom to homeschool me. also she said no because homeschooling cost money to buy a curiculum. so take online school.it is great and easy. the parent doesnt have to do anything. the school is compltly free and gives you all the books and a free computer.and it pays for your computer bills also i believe. you have online classes and everything. its amazing. tell her to let you go to a cyber school. what ever state you live in just google cyber schools in that state. i go to agora charter cyber school its amazing.
say that you feel that the school your in feels like your leaning nothing what so ever and that you KNOW you'll do better being homeschooled and actually prove it once you are home schooled hahahah
and if you live in California you can get home schooled online for free on
oh well im home schooled!
theres a lot of good things!
you could work cuz most home schools give you a permit no matter what your age, since you're gonna be at home most of the time they don't want you to waste it, so yea you could work.
um lets see, oh you could finish a yr. or 2 earlier! its true! im 15 %26amp; by the time im 16 ill be done with high school!
more one on one instruction!
less trouble!
(it depends what homeshool, i go ot harbor gateway, in carson...
you might be able to convince them, if you imagine they each have a button in the middle of their forehead, which says ';What's In It For Me?';
If you can show them how They benefit, you will succeed, if not, learn to enjoy Public School.
Tell your parents ';I want to be homeschooled.';.
If they decline, you do not want to be homeschooled as even the world's gutter education system is better then a couple of parents who aren't up to the job.
Try to determine what area of study interests you. Than see how you could benefit from independent study in that area. My dd has a gift for learning languages. We are better equipped to explore her gift at home on a one-to-one basis than a traditional school.
Here are some great tips for talking to your parents about homeschooling
http://virtualonlineschool.blogspot.com/ Above all, be respectful and give them some time to get used to the idea.
Best of Luck!
If you dont like the environment and going to a school with different personalities, then just tell your mom. Write down why you want to be homeschooled and the ups and dwns about going to school.
I was never able to convince mine to homeschool me. No matter what i said. I told them I was getting teased, and that i wasn't getting the help I needed. Some parents are too lazy.
don't do it most of he people who try homeschool wind up as drop outs
please help me - http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>
Tell them that it's safer, and that you get a better education.
why do you want to be home schooled?
give you parents an excuse such as that you are being bullied
tell them y you want to be home schooled they should understand
Why do you want to be homeschooled? Public school is amazing, you can meet so many interesting people and have such a fun time : )
You could just get expelled :P
Then they dont really have a choice (unless they send you to military school or something).
makesure you you stick pizza crust up there butt. Then when they ask why, say you are socially awkward.
tell them u r being bullied and can't keep up with the work and start crying.
say ur getting bullied and u wanna kill urself!
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