Sunday, January 17, 2010

A good parent or a good friend? who has the ability to influence the child the most?

They say a child can be easily influenced in his early ages. Who do you think can influence them more? a good parent or a good friend?A good parent or a good friend? who has the ability to influence the child the most?
Yes, certainly a child can be easily influenced in his early ages and a parent who can be a good friend to him has the ability to influence him most .A good parent or a good friend? who has the ability to influence the child the most?
The parent has the most influence when the child is young and as the child ages the peer group becomes most important to the child. I think if the parents have been ';good parents'; all along then when the child gets to the teenage years s/he will remember their example and make good choices. Friends come and go.
We parents give them the basics, but pray when their friends come up with ideas. We pray that they remember what we taught them about right or wrong. As they grow their peers are more important than us parents. We hope the friends are good ones. We also hope their own good personality holds them through the tough choices.

But remember by telling them they CANT hang with someone will only make them want to more. IF they are doing something that you are concerned about, talk to them. Keep the lines of communication open so when they do mess up (and we all do) they know they can come to you for your help and support.
A good parent most times.

If the parent isn't so good, then they can be negatively influenced by a friend easily.

If the parent is a friend then you have a whole new set of delimas.

Or at least thats what I think. I'll check back to see what others think, and can contribute. Good question.
A good parent has more influence on the the small child. The child looks up to his parents from birth to set standards and norms. Often they will take what they see in their peers home and talk to their parents about it at a young age before being influenced by their friend.
A good parent. If a child has good parents, he will also choose good friends. Then, with good parents, he will probably come to them with what his friends tell him (or her) and good parents will guide and teach if his young inexperienced friends tell them something bogus.
Well, your dna has some to do with it. Who spends the most time quality wise. Some children though spend all day with mom but, admire dad...follow what he dose etc. I think it is more about the personality of the child then to much else.
I think it depends alot on the age of the child. a very young child will be much more influenced by their parents or guardians. as they hit their teenage years though a good friend will have a much bigger influence.
Well it should be the oparents and ';peer pressure'; should not be allowed to get in the way of that at *any* age.
A good PARENT....and I wish more parents would wake up and realise it!
A good parent.

I don't see how a grown adult could be friends with a young child. It blows my mind.

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