If so, I'd like to know how you justify it. I'm not here to judge you, I am simply seeking answers.Is anyone willing to admit to being a negligent parent?
Of course I have been negligent there are no real serious examples but I have four children my first of which I had at 17 and I have days where as much as I love my children I am just waiting for eighteen but I have never been angry or abusive tword them I think it's normal for parents to feel overwhelmed sometimes and react in a way that is probably not the most positive reenforcment as long as you haave never crossed that line that spans a frusterated parent and an irrate phsyco ready to take out there lack of sleep and money problem on their innocent child who lets face it moms as tired as we may get they didn't ask to be born that was all us and we owe them a lot of love we also owe ourselves a lot of honesty about how tough it is to always think of someone else first.Is anyone willing to admit to being a negligent parent?
I leave my 10 year old home alone for 1/2 hour to an hour because of work but he knows to stay in and lock the door he even has a phone to call incase anything was to happen. I don't know if that is negligent or not.
We have all made mistakes. I have made a few doosies. So I guess I am guilty too.
Well I don't have any kids yet, but when I do I will make sure that I am not a negligent parent. Thats for sure.
You said arent here to judge but you took one person's comment and twisted it. I personally think she may be right. look closer at yourself before judging others. Everyone makes mistakes and thats what makes us human.
Not to be rude but thats a stupid question. You must not be a parent or you must be a parent that has been negligent and you feel guilty or you think youre better than other parents.
Hop off the gas lady :(
I think you will find that the most negligent parents will not admit it because they don't admit it to themselves ,they justify and make excuses .the average parent will make mistakes and admit to them .I once left my 4 year old son alone for like an hour because I thought it was preschool day .felt terrible and have kicked my self for years ,he is 14 now and nothing bad happened .I have made other mistakes too but that is the most neglect full.
I don't think I'm negligent, per say, but I do think that I don't spend enough time with my children. I have a difficult and time-consuming job, and I sometimes feel selfish leaving the three of them with a nanny. I really do wish me and my husband could me there more, but it's just not an option at this point. Ideally, I would love to have my career and my children, and give them the equal amount of time, but it sometimes doesn't happen. So, no, I don't think I am exactly negligent, but they don't get the amount of attentiont they deserve from their parents.
OK I'll admit, I allowed my kids to eat ice cream for breakfast once, cause I was too tired to get up and cook for them!!
does that make me negligent??? I of course would never do( or not do ) anything that would cause them harm, but yes, I think there are all times that as parents we are not the best that we can be. come on now, if you think back real hard, even you 'perfect' parents can think of a time or 2 that you were a bit slack!!
and frankly I feel like it is a very good and reasonable question to ask, because sometimes as a parent we need to be reasurred that we are not perfect, and that is ok
i use to work and never have time for my kids but now I stay home.
im not 1 right now but i more than likely will be, but im antisocial. I dont necessarily have good people skills. Im also a bad boyfriend, I'm terrible and I know it but its because of my personality, and when the roots grow that deep, ur pretty well screwed. Just do ur best.
sure, i will admit that right off. I have an eight month old son. and i am very ';negligent'; of him. that is a simple enough answer due to the fact that i have never... and i mean never... and neither have you, ever met anyone who takes care of their children ';to the best of their ability.'; and seeing as how that is the simplest definition of negligence...well then ~ i guess we are all guilty of it. I don't mean that harshly or to be a butt. just a fact of being human. we must sometimes neglect the wants and desires of those we love in order to provide them with what they NEED. This is the process by which the phrase, ';tough love'; was born. This is an acceptable form of raising our children... the problem starts to arise when we as parents start to ';neglect'; our children not for the good of that child... but for our own self serving reasons.
nope.......but I admit that I've got really delayed c u m loads;)
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