Monday, May 10, 2010

As a parent, what do you expect your child to do well in school this year?

As a parent, what do you expect your child to do well in school this year? Be specific and explain.As a parent, what do you expect your child to do well in school this year?
She's 5 and in a language immersion class, so all we expect her to do well is to listen. The rest will follow.

I grew up in a family with high expectations for academic achievement, mainly because I didn't have trouble meeting them. Where it gets frustrating is when you get a 97, and someone says ';where's the other 3 percent...';

So, our strategy for expectations is to ask that she tries her best, learns to ask for help when she needs it, and that she pursues (and is supported in pursuing) her interests in depth, even if that takes her outside of the classroom.As a parent, what do you expect your child to do well in school this year?
I'm not a parent, but my parents expect me to do well generally at school, and as long as I don't slack off, they are happy.

I am a bit of a perfectionist, I expect myself to do well especially in my fave subjects (Science, geography, english, and music...) ...

But yeh.

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