I have had this same problem. My suggestion is to ask an administrator/Assistant Principal for help. I had a student who was a real behavior issue. When I spoke to the parents about his behavior and attitude problems, they said, he doesn't act this way for anyone else, perhaps it is you. So I thought about it for a week. I examined everything I do and say thinking that I might treat this kid differently and maybe I am triggering his behavior. When I was finaaly content that it wasn't me, I asked his other teachers and the A.P for my grade level. The teachers said they had seen him act this way also but not to the extent in which he behaves for me. The A.P. said they she would look into things. I took this as a rub off when she didn't offer any immediate solutions but I was really wrong. She pulled a few kids in to her office that were in mulitple classses with the behavior student. She questioned them all about his behavior and mine responses. After a few days of her investigative work, she was able to conferance call the parents with me in the office, and explain to them what she had uncovered. This student had been in fact been troublesom for others as well as a dstraction to the other students and that the students confirmed this information along with what I had climed when I initialy called the parents. So, in short, I had to get an A.P. to investigate the issues. They spoke with the student and the parents to resolve his behavior concerns and now I have my classroom back to normal, if you can call any 6th grade class normal.How do I deal with a parent who thinks that their child is perfect and blames me, the teacher for his behavior
Well maybe if you prove them wrong get some evidence on the child and showing what that student is doing that is so wrong but like it i were you i would talk to the child and the parent and ask the child to tell the true or ask to have a meeting with the students parents and try to dissuss these matters but like if that does work just ignore the kid and its parents
Well, this a common thing that happens a lot. One solution is get a notepad and wirte down what he did and then show the parent. Another could be is to get the headteacher involved and and tell him/her the situation and have a meeting with the parent, the headteacher and yourself. Also you can get an assistant teacher to keep a close eye on him
Just handle it situation by situation. you don't need to prove that their child is not perfect.
its their child so they will always back him/her up.
All you can do is document best you can what the problems are and confront them problem at a time. pressure the principal and other teachers to get involved so it takes the focus off you .
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