Thursday, May 13, 2010

Do you need your parent with you or consenting anything when delivering a baby?

What about check do you need a parent to consent anything or be with you?????????????????????????Do you need your parent with you or consenting anything when delivering a baby?
If you are the mom of the baby, no you do not need a parent. If you are under your parents insurance however, and you do not have your own insurance card, they may need to be there to use their insurance. Otherwise, no.

But if you want to be on tyhe safe side.. you may want to bring a parent just for the more complicated stuff

hope i helped

pbDo you need your parent with you or consenting anything when delivering a baby?
Just tell your mother. Or a big sis, or an auntie. Tell someone other than your friend.
your too young
No you don't have to have your parent there.. the baby is going to come either way. I was pregnant at 17 and my mom wasnt there for any of it
If you are the mom of the baby, no you do not need a parent. If you are under your parents insurance however, and you do not have your own insurance card, they may need to be there to use their insurance. Otherwise, no.
no unless your under age for when you should nt of been having sex, though im not having a go it happens and some are good mums but i think you should live a bit first as this world is hard enough when you understand it but when just starting out its harder, i was 17 when i had my first though i dont regret him at all i would say wait a little longer get some experience living in the real world with out your parent looking after you and if you can cope with looking after your self and have a good partner which also i didnt though i have now then your ready.
If you are using your parents insurance, then they will probably have to sign paperwork for medical care.

As far as decisions concerning you and the baby, no. Those decisions are up to you and your parents don't have any say in your decisions. Your obviously very young though, so I hope that you do have parents that will be there to help you.
If you are having a baby, that baby is going to come whether or not your parents are giving their permission...:)

You shouldn't need parents with you to go to the doctor for checkups or anything. But it is always a good idea to let them know. If you are a minor, (under 18) most doctor's offices will want a way to contact your parents or guardian in case of an emergency.
If you are under age you might and if you are covered by your parents insurance you might need to have their consent to sign for treatment plans, etc. Not sure though and I am not sure what the cut off age would be for this. Also I am sure states vary on this. Check with your local health department to see.
Sadly, since you'll be having a kid, your considered an adult. Anything that happens now is between you and the doctor. Your parents have nothing to do with this, since neither one of them will be having the baby. Since your an adult now, you'll be responsible for baby, bills, appts, etc. Have fun.
I assume your talking about being a teen mommy.I was 16 when I got pregnant with my daughter and I did everything on my own,my mom wasn't there for anything.
How old are you?

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