Lying about not buying a book where in fact he did or about a medal from a sport contest that he did not even receive or not eating food on the refrigerator when in fact he didWhat can a parent do to stop his kid from habitual lying?
How old is he? Lying is normal in almost all adolescent ages. They don't want to be punished. Lying about winning something is a way to get approval. If it happens ALL the time I would suggest talking to him about the consequences of lying. No one will believe him, no one will want him as a friend. Make sure he understands that it isn't just you who want him to quit lying. It effects every aspect of his lifeWhat can a parent do to stop his kid from habitual lying?
I have 4 boys and you treat them different according to ages. I don't have any idea of your childs age, so I cannot help you. Sorry.
( Connie Mom of 4 boys )
Yes how old is the child? With my 6 year old, if he lies to us, he has a choice on a spanking, pepper or hot sauce on the tongue for a couple minutes. Seems to help for a couple days. Or if the child receives a allowance, everytime he lies you can take like 25 cents off each lie he tells. Or set your own limit for it.
lying is somethiing at an adolescent age that you do to not get in trouble.. do you beat your children, is there some reason why they are lying you may think that the things you do are not watched but they are children they see adn hear everything. you shoudl tell hiom that she shall not do that agian and tell him y. maybe add a story fro your childhood, but then he shoudl recieve pounishment.
Make sure you punish not only any bad behavior, but punish the act of lying.
For instance: let's say he snuck out of the house.
1. You are being grounded for one week for sneaking out of the house. You would have been grounded for 2 days, however you lied about it, so it's now 1 week.
I personally feel that this kid is a bit afraid, that's normally the reason they tend to lie: afraid of the consequences, were the situation in fact, different. I'm sometimes afraid to tell my parents the truth, because I'll know they'll be disappointed, but they keep saying things like ';You know I'm going to find out eventually'; or ';Just tell me'; (calmly). We get along very good, which makes me feel more comfortable about telling them.
We class lying, disobedience, playing with matches or fire serious here. My husband spanks ours for such. No ifs or buts.
1. Call him on his lying. Tell him that you know he is lying and that he will be immediately punished for not telling the truth.
2. Punishment for lying should be swift and severe. Tell him each time you punish him that he would not be punished (or punished as severely) if he had told the truth.
3. Praise him a LOT when he does tell the truth. Let him know how proud you are of him.
Keep doing this consistently til he learns to tell the truth. It could take months...even up to a year or more.
If u know that he or she is definitely lying, u have to show them that they will lose something that is very important to them ie take their favourite toy off them. They have to start to understand there are severe consequences to lying.
That is a tough one. All I can say is to punish him every time he lies and stick with the punishment. Talk with him...let him know that it is not acceptable to lie, even if he gets into trouble for telling the truth, the punishment won't be as big as when you find out he lied about it. The medal thing was for an approval or to try to please you. Show him how proud you are of the things he does honestly achieve.
My boyfriend's 16 year old son has been lying about even the things that wouldn't get him into trouble if he was being honest...and he's been like this since he was 6 years old so it's more than a phase. My boyfriend only caught him maybe 20% of the lies and most of the time, he just refused to see it. The boy is now very untrustworthy and seems very lost and confused as to who he is. He has been struggling within and I feel that he will continue to my suggestion is to try to deal with it now and maybe even get a professional to help him. Good luck.
It is hard to say it depends on the age of the child I think punishing for lying would help but be sure the child understand that they are being punished for lying more so that for something else they did wrong. I have been trying to teach my daughter at a young age that lying is bad and will not be tolerated.
My best advice to you, not knowing the childs age, is to sit and talk with him. Try to get him to tell you why he feels he cannot tell you the truth about things. Treat him as if he is your equal for that moment and let him get his feelings out without risk of punishment for what he might say. Sometimes children think that if they tell their parents the truth either the parent will be dissapointed, ie the medal, or that they will blow everything out of proportion, ie the refridgerator, and therefore they lie about it to avoid such. Giving him the chance to talk to you openly without consequences is a good way to establish a better relationship with him. Let him know that you are here to help him, even though you are his father you can still be his friend to a point. Point out that it is easier to deal with the truth than have to dig through a ton of lies and suffer even more in getting down to the truth. Plus the punishment for the truth is often less severe than when discovered under a lie. This might help him to understand your view on things.
Recently my middle son has done something that if I had found out without him telling me the truth he would have been grounded for a month and gotten a spanking, but he came to me and told me that he messed up, broke one of my big rules and told me excatly what he did. Because he was so honest with me, we sat and talked about what he did and why I had set the rule. He is still grounded from some things, but not everything like he would have been, and he avoided the spanking because he was honest.
In our house, lying is an extremely serious offense. I can tolerate alot of things easier than I can lying. I may come across as a strict conservative parent. However, if this happened in our house, I'd make the child drop their pants (not underwear) for a spanking. I don't spank with anything but my hand. But, I can guarantee it would sting and there would be alot of tears and shame over his actions.
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