CPS is not a law enforcement agency, but a social service agency, and as such does not have the power to arrest. If Child Protection Services comes to your house, do they actually have the power to arrest the parent?
It may depend on the state. For instance, in Indiana, the supervisor of the case managers and the regional manager have Special Deputy privileges and therefore, could arrest an individual. However, your case workers, do not have Special Deputy privileges. Most of the time, they contact local law enforcement. Also, even though the supervisor and regional manager has the power to arrest, they usually do not because they are afraid that they may not be making an legal arrest. So, they suggest to the case workers to contact the police.
You know what is crazy. You are one of my contacts asking this question and today CPS came to my house, because my son had a black eye. We was playing soccer in the house last night and we was playing a game called ninja monkey and my fiance threw him on his bed and his knee kicked his eye and i sent him to school today and long and behold, CPS was at my house within 2 hours and they went to the school and talked to him...
I do understand why though, because there are so many kids being abused, so i think it is a good thing they came out... they pretty muched just laughed off it, but they had to come out..
but to answer your question, i did not know the answer, but i do now after everyone answering it.. :)
CPS isn't a federal organization, so they can't arrest anybody, even if they do have evidence. They can however contact the police, who do have the power. Sorry Gig, more trouble with your dad?
No, they call in the Police to do the arresting -- but the police have to have at least a little evidence. They can search for evidence in ways that social workers can't.
no, i don't think they do....they're only an agency %26amp; report abuse. they don't enforce it.
No...only if evidence is found they report it to the police.
they can not arrest but they can take a child from the parent
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