Monday, May 10, 2010

Should a parent ever spank their kids?

Do you think that spanking/smacking a kids bottom for a punishment is appropiate?Should a parent ever spank their kids?
No i don't. I think it is child abuse.

Do you think it is okay if your spouse hits you if you do something they don't like? No because what would that be? Domestic Violence.Should a parent ever spank their kids?
I think Its absoulutely fine if you spank your kids :)

But can I just say that im 13 and my dad used to spank/smack me,my brother and my twin sister and I still havent gotten over it; plus when I told some of my friends that my dad used to spank/smack me they considered it abuse.

Report Abuse

Yes, when appropriate.

Sometimes takling to a child or taking away privileges just doesn't work. Nothing gets their attention and reestablishes parental authority like a firm swat on the bottom.

A spanking is especially effective when they defy you to your face because it is swift and sends a clear message.

Some children rarely need spankings and some need many. Each child must be disciplined according to his temperament.
I think it's perfectly appropriate, as long as it's with a hand only, and not for every little thing they do.

Whether or not a parent chooses to use it is up to them, but I firmly believe the option needs to exist.
Yes - My husband and I have 3 daughters together, who all have been spanked by both of us (some more then others). I think it's a VERY appropriate punishment, what I think is inappropriate, it their behavior to earn they type of consequence. Life in our home is simple, follow the rules, everything is GREAT, deliberately disobey (meaning knowingly doing something against our rules) and it's over the lap for a spanking. If they don't like spanking, they have the power to NOT GET THEM.
Spanking is a very effective parenting tool if used correctly
Absolutely, if there is more discipline in todays world, there would be less crime,and moral decay.
Yes when the child is exhibiting behavior that could harm them or put them in a dangerous position ( such as running into the road) and talking has not worked.

Or it works also for a child who is being deliberately disobedient.

Appropriate when properly applied while a parent is '; not'; angry and is in control of themselves.
Spare the rod and spoil the child. As proof of the validity of that statement... Look at the largest number of todays youth.
No. Spanking is evil, primitiave, outdated, barbaric, and inhumane. Spanking is a brutal form of violence and it taches kids that violence is acceptable. Spanking is a form of sexual assault, since the buttocks are a sexual region. Spanking teaches children that their bodies (including their private, sexual regions) are not their own but subject to the will of any adult. Parents who spank are setting their children up as the perfect targets for pedophiles. Spanking also causes severe emotional damage. Spanking is pure evil and should be outlawed everywhere.
yes...not always needed though. Some kids do just a well with talking or some other discipline.
Only when we misbehave ... and then only age-appropriate!


And I guess that [the bottom] is the usual place for a smacking!


Should a parent EVER spank their kids?

In most cases, yes. Doesn't harm a guy to KNOW what it is to get spanked. Mostly, though, he should know he had been warned and persisted in the misbehavior anyway ... knowing the consequence would most likely be a spanking.

Should a parent FREQUENTLY spank their kids?

I am not a big spanker b/c I feel that if done too much it will just breed aggression but I do think that the day I find one of my kids playing with matches or doing something that will physically harm themselves or others, they'll get spanked. Right now, taking away dessert or TV privileges works just fine.
yes i think it is appropriate, but only if they did something really bad. i think it's not appropriate when parents dont spank kids when they need it. kids now a days know they can get away with a lot and i think this is why we have so many problems with behavior, attitudes, gangs, drugs. spanking your child is NOT abuse. abuse is when a parent constantly hits the child.
Yes, the only problem is that a lot of people spank in anger rather then controlled punishment. They don't explain to the children why they are being punished and the kids just end up thinking that their parents are just being mean.

Hardly any body spanks their kids anymore though, and that's why kids are such brats. simply taking something away from them doesn't work when they are young.

I teach a lot of kids at my church, and I know the kids parents discipline styles and I can see what works best.

I wan't spanked a lot as a child, and not even very hard but I still would behave better if I thought I would get a spanking.

too many parents try to be their childs buddy, rather than an actual parent.They fear their kids won't love them.
You've got to be kidding. It's not like you are completely new to Yahoo Answers. You do realize that you asked a question that is asked every other minute around here, right?

Yes, spanking is appropriate. It never wasn't. A swat or two on the bottom is perfectly acceptable.
it is now actually legal for parents to smack their kids again now and to be honest all kids need to be smacked at one point by their parents to be kept under control in a way
no, lazy parents spank
good parents never have to strike their kids
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